
A French user sent me a document typed in with LyX on Windows. 
I get two kind of problems on Debian Squeeze, apparently both due to the
encoding of the apostrophe.
This encoding is â\200\231 in the original document, 
and the apostrophe appears correctly as such in the LyX window, 
the shell window if I cat the LyX file, and
in the present post: here it is ’

The first error happens when there are apostrophes in the file name :

Error 84 returned from iconv when converting from UCS-4LE to ISO-8859-15

The second one is a warning that happens when an apostrophe is detected in an
Index entry :

LyX's automatic index sorting algorithm faced
problems with the entry 'Discours de l’institution'.
Please specify the sorting of this entry manually, as
explained in the User Guide.
Warning: Index sorting failed

It is easy to replace the typographic apostrophes by character ',
but it took mea while to figure out the first one (and its is a bore
to rename all figure file paths). 
The second one is just boring, the first one kills the exportation to latex,
and thus the compilation.

Dores this deserve a ticket ?


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