On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:21 AM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just made a colleague try LyX 2.0.3 on a Mac OS-X
> OS-X: 10.6.8
> LyX: 2.0.3
> but he immediately complained about how slow it was scrolling a very simple 
> .lyx document consisting of 3 or 4 pages of contents.
> Is there any special trick needed on Mac OS-X to get from LyX what a regular 
> Mac user considers an acceptable interactivity level / performance ?
> What further information (e.g., from the OS) can I ask to gather in order to 
> identify the issue, and how such info is obtained ? (I know almost nothing 
> about Mac).
> I've appended the comment to this bug as well:
>  http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7583
> Thanks,
>    T.
[I'm not a developer but...]

This problem has been discussed at length here (actually, on lyx-users list) in 
January and there might already be a ticket for it--at least the developers are 
aware of the problem.

I found partial relief by downloading the source from SVN and compiling 2.1.0 
myself. I don't know whether that is within your capability or desire. Also, 
changing this preference as described from that thread helped:

  "...one may add the following line to your preferences file:
  \force_paint_single_char false
  On a Mac this is the file "~/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.0/preferences".
  (Broken cursor placement for long lines should be one consequence.)"

The last parenthetical comment means that if you make this change, sometimes 
the cursor will be placed a few pixels from where it should be. The worst case 
might be a long line of "m"s which is of course contrived, but you might see 
lesser anomalies in other scenarios.

Like I said, "partial relief." With these changes, LyX scrolling is still a far 
cry from what it is on a "native" app on OS X.

There is also a bug on OS X with trackpad scrolling where slow two-finger 
gestures are ignored--there should be a ticket for that already. (The gesture 
is ignored if the cursor is in the window content region but not if it is the 
window's elevator bar.)


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