Dear LyX Developers,

In the past few days, I've finally had some time to work on LyX ebook stuff. 
However, I'm having a very strange problem.

On Mac OS X, I'm getting compiler errors for aspell. Of itself, this isn't so 
strange (since I don't have Aspell installed on the system). What is strange, 
though, is that I can't find a way to tell LyX to skip trying to compile ASpell 
support. I've tried the standard method of 


but that doesn't appear to do anything. It just goes ahead and tries to compile 
it anyway. I tried to remove ASpellChecker.h and .cpp, but that caused the 
system to complain that they weren't there.

How can I tell the build system to ignore ASpell support?

(I'm using cmake to create the make files.)



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