Am 13.07.2012 03:33, schrieb Maaneli D:

First, although the graph shows up on the PDF, I'm not sure how to format it 
such that I can center the graph, or move it in different places.

In the file you sent me, you inserted the image in the figure caption. Move it out of the caption and it will work as usual: center the paragraph where the image is in via LyX's paragraph settings.
Attached is your fixed file.

Also, in the PDF created from the editor, it says on the bottom left of the first page 
that "Author notes, acknowledgements, contact information go here". However, I 
don't see anything in the editor that corresponds to that part of the PDF.

In the LyX file you sent the first yellow note states
"Have a look at Document->Settings->Preamble for further settings. A brief documentation can be found at";

So if you look at this menu you will find the journal settings and also notes, 
acknowledgements etc.

regards Uwe

Attachment: APA test.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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