On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 09:17:55PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bj&resh;nnes wrote:
> Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | The current layout file for the seminar class is very awkward to use:
> | 1. A comment paragraph is needed between every two slides
> | 2. It is hard to put slide headings (they need to be nested)
> | 
> | I've tried to make a better layout file by using the same hack used in
> | slides.layout.
> I'd rather enhance lyx to give better support for these kinds of
> documentclasses.

But how much time this will take ?
Until we have this, we should make seminar layout work as the slides layout
for consistency. We also get the ability to switch a document from slides to
seminar preserving the structure.

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