On 20/04/13 00:54, Marcelo Galvão Póvoa wrote:
> I checked and and it seems libpurple can handle multiple IM protocols
> at once, but using it directly would require creating new interfaces
> inside LyX for authentication, contacts list, etc. 

I just found a few pointers of attempts to build a Qt GUI for libpurple


but I have no clue of whether there might be any reusable code there.
Also, it seems Pidgin and libpurple are heavily intertwined with GLib/Gtk.

Perhaps we should have a look at multi-protocol KDE-based IM clients,
e.g., Kopete ?


Any heavy KDE user on the list who can advise on what is a good one ?

> So, as I said
> earlier, since the project already seems quite large as is, it would
> be better to discuss a list of deliverables for the GSoC and how they
> should be implemented.

As for intermediate checkpoints within the project, for the chat:
1) minimal GUI panel within LyX for login and friends selection within
   some of these IM systems (things like searching for and adding friends
   may be handled through an external client -- in LyX we just need to
   see who is online and start chatting)
2) chat functionality; it might be interesting to investigate on keeping
   compatibility with text-only clients, i.e., one chats in LyX the other
   sees and writes LaTeX :-)
3) client-side encryption add-on: can we exchange b64 encoding of client-side
   encrypted text segments, so that IM servers cannot see what's being 
exchanged ?

As for the more challenging interactive lyx project, I'm not sure any of these
pre-existing IM infrastructures are appropriate, the key issue being how long
a message takes to be delivered to the destination. For IM chats, I wouldn't
expect a server to hurry up in delivering msgs. But it also depends on what
functionality and extensibility options are there in these extensible protocols.


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