The commit that git bisect lead me to and the diff between the
pdflatex .tex files of before and after the following commit (which is
the same as the diff between the output from before and current trunk)
is pasted below. After adding the English class option and adding
babel to the preamble, the export works fine. Is this what should be
done to the document or is it an internal issue?


commit 566a5f2b7513ffbd75cc92f713dccccc2636f37e
Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <>
Date:   Mon Jul 23 11:36:55 2012 +0200

    Fixes to the language package call

    * Assure that really no language package is called when none is selected.
    * Only call global custom package if global is desired.
    This is a candidate for branch as well.

[diff from before and after when exporting to LaTeX (pdflatex)]


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