Cyrille Artho wrote:

> The issue is that the target file will be edited before it's re-imported
> (otherwise there is no point in exporting the data to being with). This
> can make a clean re-import very challenging.
> For example:
> "Good": lyx -> latex: Store extra data as special LaTeX comments.

This is very difficult to get right (see

> "Bad": lyx -> something rather alien (.docx or such): If you need to
> store information in other files, how are the parts going to be
> reconstituted after the .docx file has been changed?

I don't believe that docx would be more difficult than .tex here. I bet that 
it is possible to insert some custom (nonprinting) marks, where the metadata 
file could refer to.

> Regardless of the number of files, the problem is much harder than just
> a reversible mapping. It has to survive a certain amount of editing. The
> same edits in the original and in the exported version should map to the
> same result after re-importing:
>     file - > lyx2target -> target
>      |                      |
>      | edit                 | edit
>      V                      V
>     file' <- target2lyx <- target'
> At least for some editing, this should be supported. I don't think it is
> necessary to be perfect here, so it can probably be achieved for many
> useful practical cases, but I also think it's harder than just
> converting back and forth.

This is indeed a very challenging part of the task.


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