Michael Schmitt wrote:

> Ronny Buchmann wrote:
>> look at http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/ (archived lyx tips)
> Wow, what a comprehensive list of tricks! If the LyX developers feel like LyX
> is feature complete, they should (first ask me ;-) and than) have a look at
> your page. Thank very much!
it's *not* my page, it's herbert voss'
and it's (always?) mentioned in LDN

>>> *************************
>>> \pdfoutput=1
>>> \documentclass[pdftex]{MyDocumentClass}
>>> \usepackage{graphicx,thumbpdf}
>>> \usepackage{ae}
>>> \usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks,pdftitle={MyTitle},pdfsubject={MySubject},
>>>             pdfkeywords={MyKeyword1,MyKeyword2},pdfauthor={Me}]{hyperref}
>>> \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{}  % I am not sure what it does (related to
>>> Metapost???)
>>> *************************
wann stand das in der c't?

>> set it in the latex preamble
>> but i agree, it would be useful if this would be auto generated by lyx
>> (especially title, subject and author from the corresponding paragraphs)
> Yes, and it should take just a few minutes for the LyX guys to add the lines in
> the code. Manipulating the latex preamble is a task for experts, LyX users are
> stupid (on purpose :-)).
they are wise enough to decide working with lyx ;)


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