On 08/27/2014 09:35 AM, Paweł Doligalski wrote:
Hello everybody,

Unfortunately, very simmilar crash just happened to me again, this time on LyX 2.1.1. Just as in the previous case, LyX crashed and there was a data loss. However, this time the corrupted file does not end with "\begin_inset Tabular".

I enclose a crash report and the file before and after the data loss.

Thanks for this. We believe this crash has been solved for 2.1.2, and your file suggests that our diagnosis was correct: It ends with a multicolumn cell. The crash is also in to_utf8, which is where we eventually were led. See
for the details.

We should be releasing 2.1.2 in early September, but of course you can compile it now if you wish.



2014-08-22 18:18 GMT+02:00 Paweł Doligalski <pdoligal...@gmail.com <mailto:pdoligal...@gmail.com>>:

    Thanks for instructions, here it goes.

    2014-08-22 18:02 GMT+02:00 Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net

        Am 22.08.2014 um 16:32 schrieb Paweł Doligalski
        <pdoligal...@gmail.com <mailto:pdoligal...@gmail.com>>:

        > Thanks! What do you mean by Crash Log protocol?

        If a program on a Mac crashes normally you see the Crash Log
        and get asked if it should be send to Apple.

        The Crash Log itself is stored somewhere in your user directory.

        One possibility to locate it is with the Console program.
        Start it with the help of Spotlight (type console in the upper
        right most search field). The there should be the list of the
        Crash or Diagnostic Reports. The LyX ones are named
        "lyx_2014-08 …". There is an menu item "E-Mail" or similar to
        send it.


        > If you mean running LyX via terminal and sending you the
        output, then there is the same problem as you encountered
        while solving the bug: I do not know what triggers the crash.
        > 2014-08-22 15:54 GMT+02:00 Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org
        > Crash Log protocol

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