For the cursor things are as I thought: check out
Paragraph::getParLanguage in Paragraph.cpp.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Lior Silberman <> wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jul 2015 02:43:25 -0700 Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> Thank you Lior and Guy for the explanations. I think I'm starting to 
>> understand a bit more. However, when you say "document is LtR", I assume you 
>> mean that the language in document settings is a language that is RtL? If 
>> that is the case, then why when I go to the document settings and change the 
>> language from Arabic to English, nothing changes (note I still have 
>> "logical" cursor movement set). From what I understand from your above 
>> explanation, after the change, in Arabic "right arrow" means "move forward". 
>> But if I put the cursor at the beginning of the document (e.g. with ctrl + 
>> home), which is in Arabic, Left arrow moves forward and Right arrow does 
>> nothing.
>>I attach the document in 2.1.x format now.
> LaTeX assigns directionality at the paragraph level. Testing with
> 2.1.3 (but not reading the code yet), I deduce that LyX also assigns
> an LtR/RtL value at the paragraph level -- by examining the language
> of the first character (!) (because of my naive test I assumed this
> was done at the document level).
> So if the first character in a paragraph is from a LtR language, then
> _for that paragraph_ right-arrow is forward and left-arrow is back.
> If the first character is from a RtL language then you get the
> opposite behaviour.  By the way, this matters beyond arrow keys.  For
> example, if the paragraph is a section heading, then LyX prints the
> section number on the left if it thinks it's in LtR mode (first
> character marked English) but on the right if it thinks it's in RtL
> mode (first character marked Arabic).  That's certainly wrong: the
> user should be allowed to set the "paragraph language" independently
> of the language for individual text.
> Conclusion 1: We may want 3 cursor modes, splitting the "logical" mode
> into one relying on the document language and one changing the cursor
> behaviour paragraph-by-paragraph.  I wonder home many people on
> lyx-users write bidirectional documents and have to deal with this.
> [As far as I can tell, LibreOffice decided to always have a "logical"
> cursor with LtR default (so right-arrow moves towards the end of text
> even in a Hebrew-only document)].
> Conclusion 2: assuming my understanding is correct, each paragraph
> needs a "Language" field which is independent of the "Language"
> setting of the text inside it.  At creation this should be copied from
> the document language (ensuring that section headings, say, behave
> consistently even if they are written in the "wrong language").   The
> "Edit -> Paragraph Settings" dialogue should allow changing the
> language of a paragraph.  Of course, having a paragraph-level language
> different from the language of the text in the paragraph would also be
> confusing to users, but that's the way LaTeX works.
> If I have time I'll examine the detailed documentation (I mean the
> code) and see what's really going on.
> Lior

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