Guenter Milde wrote:

> Actually, the patch does now what Georg expected the old patch to do:
> set encoding to ASCII for every use of XETEX, also with non-TeX fonts.
> This fails with characters without a LICR defined by "xunicode".
> So the current best known version would be to admit the limit:

IMO this points to a serious bug and needs to be investigated further: The 

if (!params().useNonTeXFonts && runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XETEX)
        runparams.encoding = encodings.fromLyXName("ascii");

describes exactly what should happen. So if this sets the encoding to ascii 
even if non-TeX fonts are used, then params().useNonTeXFonts must be wrong, 
and this would be a serious problem. My guess would be that the code is 
correct, but that the other occurence of this code in writeLaTeXSource() 
does the wrong thing. If the if-condition in this one is adjusted as well, 
then it will probably work.


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