Op 28-10-2015 om 17:02 schreef Kornel Benko:
It looks like the relevant code to set environment for tests added by 
add_test() command
is in the cmake-sources at lest since february 2009. Searching the net, there 
are posts
mentioning cmake2.6 with this feature.

So I cannot imagine, why the patch should break anything on linux. But it may 
help for Windows.
(new file env_custom_command.cmake belongs to src/tex2lyx/test/ dir)

It seems to work for me.

While running updatetex2lyxtest:

  Ignoring options 'boxed' of package algorithm2e.

  warning : Could not find included file 'Dummy Document.tex'. (2x)
  warning : Could not find included file 'Dummy"Document.tex'.
  warning : Could not find included file 'foo'. (2x)
..\..\..\source\gitlyx\src\output_latex.cpp (1193): Error in latexParagraphs: You should not mix title layouts with normal ones.

  warning : Could not find included file 'Dummy Document.tex'. (2x)

Besides these I get a few messages saying ....foo.pdf already exists, Do you want to overwrite ? Shouldn't this be written automatically given -f flag ?

Except for the gnumeric stuff, it all seems to work. It is only a bit annoying that I have to wait for a long time without getting any feedback on the progress.


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