On 11/01/2015 07:54 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Sun, Nov 01, 2015 at 10:33:09PM +0100, Richard Heck wrote:
commit 4c16c61579d37f00c252ace8cf79d0573ca626bb
Author: Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 1 16:32:52 2015 -0500

     Add warning message if we do no conversion.
Why have a warning?

We do not have a warning for:
lyx -e lyx21x Customization.21.lyx
where Customization.21.lyx is already in 2.1.x format.

There is no warning for:
convert abc.jpg abc.jpg

> convert nipaudit2014-004.jpg a.jpg
> diff nipaudit2014-004.jpg a.jpg
Binary files nipaudit2014-004.jpg and a.jpg differ

So apparently not a no-op.

ffmpeg -i abc.flac abc.flac

These are a little different though because I think they do actually do
something (not sure what though).

Yes, I think because there are certain defaults in place. In fact, I get:
>ffmpeg -i a.mp4 b.mp4
[aac @ 0x16ec700] The encoder 'aac' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it.

In the programming languages I know, there is no warning for something



echo "abc" | sed 's/a/a/'

On the other hand, I do see some reasoning for the change. Why would
someone try to convert a file to the same format? If they are doing
that, then maybe they misunderstood something so we should give a
warning to make sure they did not make a mistake and want to export to a
different format. Is that the correct reasoning?

Yes, that was the idea. It's a somewhat strange thing to do. As I said, there's a perfectly good reason to do it---batch conversion---but it's not the normal case, and it seems worth at least saying, "Hey, you might want to check this".

The way lyx2lyx is called from LyX itself, this would never happen: We don't try to do that ourselves. So it would only happen from the command line, in which case the warning can be ignored easily enough.


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