On 11/02/2015 03:16 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
This last observation suggests what is the minimal change to be performed,
i.e., let the latex run work as if the document dir was the current
directory. This means setting the relevant environment variables such
that the document dir is also scanned, without replicating the setting
for TEXINPUTS. I'll prepare a patch along these lines for review.

I thank you for that! I'd be glad to be the first one to test it in both
Windows and Linux.

Please, find attached the patch I come up with. It seems to work for me.

No surprises here, everything worked as intended:
Linux, WinXP, Qt 4.8, Qt 5.5, pdf, eps, pdf with eps figures, classicthesis template (including biblatex and biber/bibtex8), a few manuals...

> You mean like Yoda? I don't know whether to feel flattered or offended ;)

May the force be with you... while into 2.2.0 you're pushing this.

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