Le 01/04/2016 04:43, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :

1. At #10019 Guillaume fixed some ui regressions. The patch seems short
and logical and Stephan has tested it with success on Mac. I would still
like to see if someone can test it on Windows before it is included. If
anyone with Qt knowledge can take a look at the patch, that would also
be nice. I think normally I would not want any .ui changes in at this
point (for the reasons I listed on that ticket), but since they are
fixing regressions it would be nice to have. If someone thinks this is
important and we do not get a Windows user to test, we could potentially
put the patch in and make sure some of our Windows rc1 testers test
specifically this dialog.

To be more precise, the reason why Scott wants platform-specific tests
is because .ui changes have introduced in the past bugs showing with
certain configurations only.

The reason why this patch is important is that it solves the precise
kind of issue that Scott fears it might introduce, whereby the
dimensions of the new UI introduced with 2.0 do not take into account
the localisation and platform-specific themes. Therefore, by not having
feedback on win or a separate +1, the team would be publishing a UI
change which is known to be buggy, just to avoid bugs which we do not
know they exist.

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