On 21.05.16 18:15, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2016-05-21, mn wrote:
>> Currently it seems quite difficult to get the search function to really
>> find everything that might be in a lyx-document.
>> One example:
>> Open a new document, language is set to English.
>> Enter a word enclosed in smart quotes.
>> Change document language to German with the corresponding smart quotes.
> (it actually suffices to change the smart quotes)
>> Enter a word enclosed with smart quotes.
>> Enter a third word, this time enclosing it with direct quotes (Opt-^ /
>> Opt-2)
> This is a locale/system specific input. I assume you mean insert the Unicode
> characters „ and “ (here on Linux with locale de-UTF8 it is AltGr-V AltGr-B).
Yes. In any case: this is the direct-input I meant.

>> This results in the following source:
>> ``word'' ,,word`` \quotedblbase word\textquotedblleft{}
> This is not the LyX source, it is the LaTeX source which also depends on
> document settings:
> With Document>Settings>Language>LaTeX encoding Unicode (utf8), this becomes
>   ``word'' ,,word`` „word“ 
> In the source view pane, you can also set the "format" to LyX to see the LyX
> source (or open the file in a text editor).
> Then you realize that this is still inconsistent:
> * smart quotes are converted to LyX insets, e.g. «Wort becomes
>    \begin_inset Quotes fld
>    \end_inset
>    Wort
>   (a relict from pre-Unicode times) while 
> * Unicode quotes are stored as Unicode (fine).
> Also the different export via pseudo-ligatures (`` '') or LICR macros is
> inconsistent.

These inconsistencies are there, working as designed, I assumed, for
reasons I missed. (Historical)
For new documents I strive to have a completely streamlined unicode
[Whistling while waiting for full biblatex-support… ;) ]

> This might be worth a bug report.
Thanks, I was looking for exactly this kind of feedback, also to clarify
 thoughts and words for such a report.
Will this be classified as a bug or an enhancement request?

>> When you open the search panel and enter the key-combo used for
>> smart-quotes you will get the "ascii-quote" sign and will not find anything.
>> When entering the direct German closing quote, you will only find
>> \textquotedblleft{}, but not ``.
> Because you find the Unicode character but not the "pseudo-ligature"
> (conversion to typographical quotes is done at the font level).

>> The ‘smart’-quotes are invisible to search?
> I don't know whether they are found via some "inset name".

> I'd like to see a regexp search, then I could search for 
> "some .+word.+ and follwing text".
Given the *nix-background of most of the devs I am puzzled why it wasn’t
included already.

> But this special case would be solved as a nice side effect when the
> "smart quote" feature inserts appropriate Unicode characters instead of
> the legacy insets from pre-Unicode times.

>> But wouldn’t it be a treat to start it by enhancing the source view with
>> a find-in-source facility?
> Which source LyX/LaTeX/HTML/...?

All of them?
I imagined find-in-source as the least intrusive approach and I am still
unsure where this would make the most sense.
It does’t matter to me where this is implemented.
Ultimately, I like to be able to find everything by using a search and
not by close-reading the whole document and the different source-views
when revising a document.
ERT, formatting-instructions, you name it.
Also, basically most of the stuff Insert-menu offers: All hard to find
by themselves. Now, where is that next margin-note again?


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