Le 24/05/2016 à 00:51, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
Do you know any other bug on Linux+qt5.5.1 than
http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9731 ?

Because on the other hand with qt4 there is the critical
http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9362. I also noticed that lyx is very
slow with qt4 now, with profiling showing that most of the time is spent
in QTextLine::setLineWidth() below GuiFontMetrics::breakAt(). In fact I
find it more annoying than #9731, so much that I switched to 5.5.1. I
wonder whether LyX 2.2 should not be built with qt >= 5.5.1 on Linux
when possible.

Could you give more details? I do all my development in 4.8, so I am a bit surprised. Or maybe I missed how fast it is now with 5.6 :) Anyway, the new code is faster for me with 4.8 than the old one.

For these reasons as well, I am hoping that for 2.3 the community of LyX
developers will choose to focus on qt >= 5.6.

With Ubuntu 14.04 offering 5.2.1 and 16.04 offering 5.5.1, this seems premature to me, especially when the cost of supporting 4.8 is low for now as far as I can see. We shall of course remove support for Qt < 4.8.


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