Now that we have 2.2.0, here are some wishes for the future:

Enumeration style document setting


GUI for setting the numbering style, similiar to what we already have for bullet lists. I.e. the default for the 4 levels are "1.", "(a)", "i.", "A."

The gui would change that. Perhaps I want "a)" [not "(a)"] on the first level, and uppercase roman numerals on the second level. The LaTeX code to achieve this is easy enough. And of course the main window would change to reflect this setting too.

This, (and \thispagestyle), is what usually forces me to use LaTeX in LyX these days.

Bullet lists displaying correct symbols


We already have a GUI for selecting different symbols. It'd be nice if the bullet lists in the main window respected this, and showed the selected bullet instead of a hardcoded default. (Except when the user sets a custom bullet. Well, even that could be attempted rendered via the preview mechanism. If this result in latex failure or a blank image, fall back on a hardcoded default symbol.)

Case-respecting search/replace


A case-following search/replace. So if I replace “zeppeliner” with “balloon”, it will understand that “Zeppeliner” is to be replaced by “Balloon”. (And ZEPPELINER->BALLOON)

Some characters (dotless i, double.-dot i, german ss) does not exist in both cases. Not replacing those is ok, the common case is good enough here.

Box alignments that works "the way I mean"


You align boxes vertically by top, bottom or center. And it doesn't necessarily work. What you get, does not line up as specified – depending on box content. (table & image side-by-side being a nasty common case.)

The manuals tells us how to fix this by putting in protected spaces or other latex constructs first/last inside the box. This is due to obscure limitations of latex, but I don't see why LyX, as a WYSIWYM tool, should reproduce such oddities. If I say the boxes is to be aligned by their bottom, then they should - regardless of content.

When LyX exports a box to latex, it could export the necessary zero-width/height latex constructs to make the box align as the user specified in the dialog – no matter what content the box may have.

This would remove a recurring question/frustration from the user's list. A well-written latex construct should not create trouble. A weird user who wants a figure & table side by side that does not line up well, can go and write his box with TeX code instead of Insert->Frame. (Or if this really pains anyone, add a checkbox for “not correcting alignment” in the box settings dialog. But I have a hard time imagining a use case for this.)

Helge Hafting

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