
I am just discovering LyX, which seems to be a very nice tool to edit all kind 
of documents.

I am most interested by editing mathematic texts, and when using LyX, I have 
wondered if it were possible to create contextual shortcuts (as these used in 

For instance, when one writes mathematics, why do they have to begin every 
shortcut with “Alt-M” ? 

Moreover, some shortcuts which could be very useful in a precise situation are 
already used: with a contextual shortcut, they could be used in a different 

Example : you type a sum (capital sigma) and then, Up and Down arrow buttons 
will allow you to type the beginning and end of the summing.

So, the idea is to simplify and improve the speed of typing by using shortcuts 
which depend from:

  a.. the environment (text, formula...) 
  b.. the previous symbol you have typed
Another idea (also used in TeXmacs) is to group a few similar mathematical 
symbols: you type one of them and replace it by the next of the group by using 
“Tab”. This is a way to avoid remembering all the shortcuts for all the symbols 
of the group.

Example: the symbol of multiplication is typed with “*” and displayed as a 
small space, but can be replaced by a “×”, or a “.” or even a “*” by using 

Whatever you decide, thank you very much for your amazing work.

Best regards,

Franck Vasseur

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