Pavel Sanda wrote:

> This was a tough one. distcheck was broken for a while (while showing it's
> famous lyx.pot message) and bisecting nowadays master is like walking
> through the minefield where bunch of commits do not compile at all or git
> gets crazy due to cr-lf mismanagement.

I still do not understand this 100%, but I believe I made a mistake when 
introducing the .gitattributes file: I should have done 

$ echo "* text=auto" >>.gitattributes
$ rm .git/index     # Remove the index to force Git to
$ git reset         # re-scan the working directory
$ git status        # Show files that will be normalized
$ git add -u
$ git add .gitattributes
$ git commit -m "Introduce end-of-line normalization"

according to, but I only did the 
equivalent of the first and the last two steps. Unfortunately this cannot be 
fixed now anymore, andybody doing a bisect spanning the time between 
.gitattributes creation and the fix should probably first remove 

> But try again now.

You are a hero! Some months ago I tried to find the cause, but failed to 
find the missing file.


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