Am 12.07.2016 um 15:56 schrieb Guillaume Munch:

    Add a new checkbox "Save transient properties" to the "Output" panel in the
    document properties dialog (now renamed as "Format").

Why was this change allowed for 2.2.1? Richard just asked the translators to do their work and now you are renaming and adding even a new feature. There is also no description of what this option does in the UserGuide section B.

I could not follow the development the last days but I am opposed in renaming the document setting section "Output" to "Format". This section is about the output as the UserGuides also explains well:

"Here you can define some output specifics for the current document:..."
* Default Output Format:
* Synchronize with Output
* XHTML Output Options

Therefore please revert the renaming and use change tracking to describe the new document settings option.

thanks and regards

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