On 07/22/2016 08:57 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 21.07.2016 um 20:51 schrieb Richard Heck:
>> Source tarballs for LyX 2.2.1 have been uploaded to
>> ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.2/2.2.1/. Please prepare binaries.
> The tarball is not compilable for me because of a CMake issue:
> [snip]

I do not know anything about CMake. Hopefully, someone else can help
with this.
> Since I can compile the current 2.2.x branch without problems, I
> included the lyx.exe to the installer that I compiled of current 2.2.x
> branch (as I see the code is identic to the one when you prepared the
> binary).
> Here is the installer:
> http://ftp.lyx.de/LyX%202.2.1/
> Since I released installers with lyx.exe compiled from tagged branches
> for years, I don't see why this should harm here. 

This is not ideal, but we shall proceed this way for the moment.
Hopefully, we can get the CMake issue fixed and produce a new build.

> (Btw., the tarball does not include the build5-2015.bat file because
> this is missing in the makefile. Seems that I forgot to add it there.)

We can add it to 2.2.x once that is open again.


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