Dear Scott,

On 2016-09-12, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> OK let's both run the full tests after that and compare again to see if
> we have any differences.

I can't run the full tests (no chinese, no japanese, no hebrew, ...; no disk
space, no computer to run all night).

> At least for the normal (e.g. not the suspicious or unreliable) tests we
> are approaching zero. 

Which tests still fail?

The idea is, to add failures that cannot be solved immediately to
"invertedTests" (currently called "suspiciousTests"):

- If the cause is known, under the relevant sublabel.
  (Normally, there is no need for new sublabels - at least not for just
  one pattern.)

- If the cause is not known, under the sublabel TODO
  (Adding the date and git-hash of the first occurence of the failure will
  help in tracking down the cause later.)

This way, it should be easy to reach 0 failing reliable tests. 
(The remaining task will be to clean up the TODO section every now and

> Once we get there, I think it will be easy to
> maintain.

A big step towards "easy to maintain" will be storing of LaTeX-log output in
the test log. Currently, we always have to "hand-compile" (and in many cases
edit the sources before) to find out what went wrong.


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