On 2016-09-28, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> Using system fonts + LuaTeX with fr/linguistics.lyx, we produce the
> following .tex code:

>   C'est-à-dire, pour \textipa{\begin{english}%
>   [d̥]
>   \end{english}%
>   } vous devez saisir \texttt{<d>} et ensuite le sous-diacritique en

> Can someone confirm that LyX is doing the right thing here? From what I
> understand, the exported code is correct given that the character inside
> \textipa is indeed marked as English in the .lyx file.

There are several issues here:

* Yes, if the character inside a inset is marked as English, it should be
  exported this way.
* I consider it a bug (or enhancement request) that LyX 

  - does not change the language of inset content together with the
    surrounding text
  - defaults to English for some insets (e.g. mathed) (Copy a part of
    the mathed content to a document in a language other than English).

  Suggestion: make the default langugage for insets "inherit", i.e.
  "use the language of the containing paragraph" (name and idea from CSS.

> This error goes away if we do not use English for that character. 

Maybe we should generally disable language changes in a tipa inset
(i.e. make "inherit" mandatory).

> Note that there is still a missing character error but that (I believe)
> is a separate issue.

Yes. This goes away if you use Free* fonts.

> If someone confirms that the above exported code is indeed correct (i.e.
> it is the responsibility of the user not to mark a character inside an
> IPA inset as a different language), then
> I will remove the language switch for that character.

I propose to fix fr/linguistics and create a minimal example with
language-switch in a tipa inset in autotests/export/latex.


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