Am Dienstag, den 25.10.2016, 08:55 +1300 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:
> My concern was for the list of modules to be scannable "at a
> glance". 
> Particularly with the theorems modules there is a clump of them,
> some 
> with long names where the distinguishable part of the name is not 
> initially visible. Your second attempt Daniel was along the lines I
> had 
> in mind, but Jürgen's suggestion of wrappable lines in the Available 
> window is another possibility.

You rightly pointed out in your first post that "the modules dialogue
[...] looks as if it has outgrown its current arrangement". I think
this is not only due to overly long names, but also due to the
heterogeneity of contents.

I think the right approach to fix this is to use categories, like we
have in layouts (the interface is already implemented also for
modules). This would make it easier to find the module you are looking
for (without knowing the exact name, which is sometimes quite
arbitrary: did you know that there is a further theorem module sorted
under "N"?). This would probably also save horizontal space.

So instead of:

Named Theorems
Theorems (AMS)
Theorems (AMS, Numbered by Type)
Theorems (AMS-Extended)
Theorems (AMS-Extended, Numbered by Type)
Theorems (Numbered by Chapter)
Theorems (Numbered by Type)
Theorems (Numbered by Type within Chapters)
Theorems (Numbered by Section)
Theorems (Unnumbered)

We would display:

|- AMS
|- AMS, num. by Type
|- AMS, extended
|- AMS, extended, num. by Type
|- Standard
|- Named
|- Num. by Chapter
|- Num. by Type
|- Num. by Type within Chapters
|- Num. by Section
|- Unnumbered

A filter bar to filter for categories and names (plus probably
descriptions and/or keywords) would further increase usability.


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