This bounced for a few days (server down?), so I'm retrying it.

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Apologies if this has already been brought up ...

With version 18 (Sarah), Linux Mint switched to a new set of tools called "X-Apps <>", at least for Cinnamon users. In particular, the new default PDF viewer is "xreader", and /Evince is no longer installed by default/. I discovered this the hard way today, after an OS upgrade. I tried to preview a document in LyX (pdflatex). The status line happily told me that the preview was successful, but no viewer opened.

Once I figured out what was going on, I switched all the PDF (whatever) file formats from evince to Custom/xreader, a mild PITA. My question to the group is whether we should include xreader in the list of viewers that the configuration script looks for. If so, should we also add xed (the new text editor) and xviewer (the new image viewer)?


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