Le 26/01/2017 à 00:48, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
They are mostly not desired.
* 3 is clearly a bug
* 2 and 5 should be avoidable, but it requires to have some knowledge
that breaking before the inset is more desirable than in the middle of
the text. It might be doable. I have code somewhere to allow each inset
to declare whether it allows breaking before/after.

This is the sort of behaviour which is fixed (IIRC) by the improvement
to row breaking described in

I am not sure. The cause for 3 is that the code fails to account precisely for the available space on next row (because when it evaluates whether breaking would be a good idea. I just have to find the time to write a patch.

Concerning my other remark, I do not think this will be fixed by this improvement. This is a separate question, I believe.


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