On 21 March 2017 at 15:48, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:

> > If anyone's interested, you can see remaining disk space (_if logged in_)
> > for the CI workers at this link:
> >   https://ci.inria.fr/lyx/computer/
> Would it be possible and desirable to have an email sent to the
> developers list if the free disk space is below e.g. 5 GB?

E-mail notification would be ok, and probably useful.
I had already into it a little, but oddly enough, I didn't find a
ready-made plugin.

One of the core problems is related to our use of Docker images. When the
"build image" runs, it creates files that doesn't belong to the standard
user, 'ci'. I've solved this for the case when the build stage succeeds by
running a second Docker image to 'chown' the workdir to user 'ci'. However,
if the build stage fails, the 'chown' part is never executed.  This leads
to old workdirs piling up, and Jenkins not being able to delete them.  Then
I've gone in and manually deleted them.

Another core problem is that the CI workers only have about 20 GB each...
and with a test job needing 4 GB, we can quickly run out of space. The
solution is to make the CI worker have more space, and it should be
possible to do this, I just haven't figured out how to mount the extra disk
space yet.

I think I primarily want to make the CI workers have more disk space, as I
think we in general would like to keep e.g. the workspace of the last
successful build, and at the same time have more than five big CI jobs.

So I've started to look at making a CI worker with a bigger disk, and at
the same time base it on the new Inria template that uses Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

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