Le 27/06/2017 à 23:45, Tommaso Cucinotta a écrit :

needauth was a urgently needed mitigation of the security issues behind running arbitrary external tools when compiling LyX documents; a more engineered remedy AFAICR was actually the use of sandboxing machineries, which was prototyped on
Ubuntu/Linux using AppArmor.

This is also what I remember. The now secured converters were sweave and
knitr, introduced in 2011 and 2012.

I see that you have also introduced a gnuplot converter with an example.

+ Proportionality: unsafety is actually a main feature of gnuplot from
what I understand from http://www.yqcomputer.com/320_2475_1.htm
+ Specificity: only gnuplot is given elevated privileges, which is what
the user wants.
- UI problem 1: When I open the example, I immediately get the needauth
dialog for showing the preview. I thought we only wanted unsafe
execution when compiling the document.
- UI problem 2: If I have N scripts in the document, I am asked N times
and must press no N times. It misses a "Never execute" button.

This is in addition to other needauth shortcomings in its current state
already mentioned.

It seems to me that needauth, as it is, is not ready for the addition of
gnuplot. What do you think?


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