
I was trying to confirm that compiling LyX requires at least C++11, but so
far I've only seen the following in INSTALL:


    First of all, you will need a recent C++ compiler, where recent means
    that the compilers are close to C++11 standard conforming like gcc (at
    least 4.6) or clang.

The text says "close to C++11", why don't we say that we require a compiler
conformant to C++11?

Is there some other place where we''re stating, or should be stating, the
requirements to build LyX?


PS. Background to my question.

If we require C++11, then C++03 template code like this (from LaTeX.cpp):

   stack <pair<string, int> > child;

can now be reformatted as

   stack <pair<string, int>> child;

It's a minor thing and just reminded me to check what the requirements
really are.

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