On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 04:47:10PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> commit 13c3c1485b68980c51658cef8fadf804982d75ee
> Author: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org>
> Date:   Fri Jun 23 20:32:32 2017 +0200
>     Fixup the fixup d0acc3e57044: use editable()/isActive()
>     While 522516d9 was too strong and broke mathed, d0acc3e57044 is too
>     lenient and can accept insets (mathed/CommandInset, InsetInfo) that
>     have a positive nargs() but are not editable (because they encapsulate
>     something).
>     Therefore the best solution for now is to use editable() in text and
>     isActive() in mathed, until those two things are merged.
>     Part of #10667.

Git bisect suggests this broke the following:

Open the attached .lyx file. Make sure that the cursor is at the
beginning and that the footnote inset is not visible on the screen. Then
do a find for the word "find".

Expected: that Lyx opens the inset and highlights the word "find".
Actual: LyX places the cursor before the inset and leaves the inset

Note that if the footnote inset is on the screen, then for some reason
it works as expected.


p.s. I am currently traveling so have not yet looked at the other
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Hello there.
 This text before the footnote must push the footnote off the screen to
 be able to reproduce the regressionHello there.
 This text before the footnote must push the footnote off the screen to
 be able to reproduce the regressionHello there.
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 This text before the footnote must push the footnote off the screen to
 be able to reproduce the regression
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come find me


, good bye.


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