On 30 July 2017 at 23:47, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:

> >Under Linux I was looking for a PDF program with which I can properly
> >fill out and submit PDF forms. I found the Program Master PDF editor
> >and
> >would therefore like to support it in LyX.
> To be frank I never heard of it before today. It seems to be some
> commercial program which only can be found as demo. I am not very fond of
> promoting such things.


The reason for my reluctance is probably:
- Any risk of licensing-related issues, i.e. is Master PDF honouring SW
licenses correctly.
  E.g. I'd feel bad supporting and being associated with a SW that's
violating GPL.
- Does the program serve commercial ads and could there be anything "risky"
for the user related to that.
- Might the program be uploading "telemetry" now or in the future?
- ?

The last two aspects relates to the company's business model now, as well
as in the future.

Note that I don't know anything about Master PDF, they might be above board
(today) when it comes to all of these aspects.
Perhaps we should simply ask them (Master PDF) these questions?

Best regards,

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