מאת: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
נשלח: יום רביעי א אלול תשע"ז 13:31
אל: haim.ros...@gmail.com; LyX Mechanics
נושא: Re: LyX truncates spacing in Local Layout and in Listings

Le 23/08/2017 à 11:55, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
> This is what the code tries to do, but there are bugs (see notes below).
> [*] the original code only considered spaces, which is of course wrong 
> and should be corrected.
> [**] a further random change was added to remove all leading tabs 
> (6bba977f42), which is probably the bug you are seeing.

I would add the amusing
[***] the code removes all the spaces of the prefix except one.

All in all, I would propose to apply the following âtch, although I am 
not completely sure I understood what issues Haim was encountering.

Richard, could you test it a bit?


I mentioned that when editing in LyX the Local Layout, the leading tabs are 
remopved. I learnt from the above discussion that this is similar to the weird 
LaTeX output


Where the thm's lines have no indent, the defn's have one leading space, and 
the rest has two leading spaces. Similar behavior is in the commandnames 


This was generated with the file theorems-ams.inc, which has so many different 
leading spaces.


Attachment: theorems-ams.inc
Description: Binary data

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