The UserGuide currently is a real trouble maker.

The PDFs exported from 2.2 or 2.3beta bring all PDFKit-based PDF viewers
 their knees in macOS 10.12.
This also applies to the PDF downloadable from the LyX site.
It does not happen in older versions of OS X nor with Adobe Reader and
Safari or QuickLook or Foxit.
The document kills Preview, Skim, PDF Expert, PDFPenPro.
It opens with empty pages and while trying to scroll it then sends the
affected application into endless beachballing.
Curiously, just opening the UserGuide, and not scrolling it, effects
other PDFs opened in this instance of the viewer. Whether they were
opened before or after UserGuide has been loaded. Text will get very
very blurry on scrolling and stays that way.

This is likely not the fault of LyX or LaTeX.

Nevertheless, this is confirmed to happen – not on all but – on the
clear majority of macOS Sierra systems tested. The bug has to lay within

So at least this is a heads up.
Default PDF export on 10.12.6 opened in default PDF viewer
is likely fail.

But I would like to know: Can somebody explain to me what makes either
UserGuide so special of a PDF that this document triggers these
symptoms? Other complex LyX PDFs like Additional or EmbeddedObjects seem OK.
I tried to reduce the contents towards an MWE but I gave up just now. being the most affected viewer doesn't really quit in
Sierra. The process vanishes from human view but lingers in the process
list. Until that background Preview is killed hard, all subsequent PDFs
opened will be affected.


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