On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 03:23:42AM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > Public release of LyX version 2.3.0beta1
> Scott, did you put on lyx wiki the release steps you are using when releasing 
> tarballs?
> (If not, can you share it there?)

I just updated the wiki with the basic steps I am doing. I will try to
keep it updated as I make corrections (as it seems I should in the case
of merging strings).


I hope to eventually organize all of my notes. I have some that are
organized as "only for alpha1", "only for beta1", etc., and other
informal things to check (e.g. for pre-releases use a different,
scarier, form of ANNOUNCE).

> It seems strings were not properly remerged for beta.

I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding. I thought that strings
were supposed to be remerged before asking translators for translations.
Then the translator returns the po file, and the po and the
corresponding gmo files are committed. What is the purpose of remerging
strings before a release? I was spoiled during 2.2.0 because I think
Georg and Uwe took care of all translation-related issues. That ended up
being a mistake because I realize that it is important for the release
manager to know all parts of the process, so I'm trying to learn.


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