Le 08/10/2017 à 05:39, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 01:25:42AM +0000, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
commit 3bc08a76c42cd350a3141f00f37082bc9fab8967
Author: Enrico Forestieri <for...@lyx.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 24 03:15:02 2016 +0200

     Sort the language nesting mess with polyglossia
When using polyglossia, lyx was making a real mess when changing
     language inside nested insets. The \begin{language} and
     \end{language} commands were not well paired such that they could
     easily occur just before and after the start or end of an
     environment. Of course this was causing latex errors such that
     "\begin{otherlanguage} ended by \end{environment}".
     There may still be some cases I did not take into account.

It seems that the Xetex error that I get with the lettre template is of that kind. I was about to write to the class author about this, but it seems thus that is is a LyX bug, right?

Here are the errors that I get;
 LaTeX Error: \begin{otherlanguage} on input line 173 ended by \end{letter}.
 LaTeX Error: \begin{letter} on input line 173 ended by \end{document}.

To trigger these, just load lib/templates/lettre.lyx, set 'use non-TeX fonts' in Document>Settings>Fonts and compile.


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