On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 02:13:49PM +0000, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Apologizy if I got it wrong, but shouldn't by inserting math \sideset side 
> operator
> "Insert left/right side script" show center box and four small corner boxes 
> around
> instead of only two? If no, I don't see any gui difference to "Insert side 
> script".
> Apart from that, there is no toolbar hint of used macro in gui as we usually 
> have,
> which would fix the following patch.
> I do not remember if we are in string freeze, so this might be master only 
> material.

We are past the string freeze. But we have pending string changes anyway
so we will have another round of translations anyway. I was planning to
send an email to translators today. I can wait a couple of days if you
think we should consider this patch. I don't have a good feeling for
when we should consider string changes after the string freeze. My first
response is that we should not consider patches like this one since it
is after the freeze. But if translators need to make new translations
anyway (because of more important string changes), is it bad to consider
less important string changes?

I guess the answer to that question depends on the behavior of
translators. Suppose we have a couple of "important" string changes,
that were committed after the string freeze because they were considered
important for having in 2.3.0. My opinion is that an "important" string
change is a string that shows up often in the average user work flow.

Suppose we are considering an additional exception to the string freeze
that is not an "important" string change (i.e. does not show up often).
To me the question comes down to: are translators less likely to
translate the important string change, in the presence of less important
string changes? i.e. do some translators see 10 string changes and think
that it would take them longer than they had planned to allocate to LyX
translations so they simply do not submit a po change; whereas if we
only had the 5 important string changes they would have submitted a po

I'm curious what others think of this, since I'm trying to learn more
about the translation process. I'm trying to find the best way to be
respectful of translators' time and still get as many translations as


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