On 02/07/2018 05:00 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Hi,
> I already wrote about this some time ago, switching to 2.3 made going through
> the documents with chapters somewhat annoying on small screens because third 
> of
> my monitor is taken by vertical space. Eg. after loading tutorial on my laptop
> I can't read even the first paragraph because of the empty space.
> This was not the case with 2.0 as you can see in attached screenshot
> (little blurry due to high compression).
> Left-most lyx 2.0, middle lyx 2.3, right lyx 2.3 with the attached patch.
> I look at git history and the change was not caused by the layout file,
> so my speculation is that some painting routines changed.
> Anyway I propose to change the layout file as it seems most straightfoward.
> Opinions?

No objection, but I agree that there must be some underlying cause. I'll
guess that maybe the size of the Chapter font is now being used to
calculate what "4" means, whereas maybe it was the size of the base font


> Pavel

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