Am 19.03.2018 um 10:17 schrieb Sivan Frenkel:

I am a Win10 user and Scott has directed me to the LyX 2.3 win installer, which is still not on the website. The installer worked. I have updated my MiKTeX before I ran the installer but it still took a while when the MiKTeX was updated in the background.

Very good.

Here are two comments in general on the win installer:
every time there is a major release LyX is installed in a new folder (LyX 2.3 in this case). As a result: (a) All my preferences and shortcuts are reset (as they stay in the LyX 2.2 folder); this is in contrast to minor releases that are updated within the same folder;
(b) I am left with two versions of LyX on my computer.

This is correct. LyX 2.2 and 2.3 can be installed side by side. This way you can try out LyX 2.3 but still have LyX 2.2 in case there are problems with 2.3.

This behavior was often requested to be able to collaborate with others without any problems. For example I am currently working on a operation manual with someone using LyX 2.2. We decided to keep with LyX 2.2 until the manual is ready. For other documents I use already LyX 2.3.

As for (a): do you know where am I supposed to find the preferences file (or its name) so I could copy it to the new folder?

The preferences of LyX 2.3 are stored in e.g.

The fileformat and also the format of the preferences of major LyX versions differ. Therefore every major LyX version has its own preferences. You can try out to copy your preferences from LyX 2.2 but we cannot guarantee that they will work correctly also with LyX 2.3. because of the different preferences format.

As for (b), for me it is not a big problem as I will simply uninstall LyX 2.2 manually

I recommend to keep LyX 2.2 installed. In the past users found some bugs in new major LyX versions. If you uninstall LyX 2.2 and encounter an unforeseen bug in LyX 2.3 you can have a problem. Just keep your LyX 2.2 since it doesn't harm and disk space is usually no problem.

thanks for testing and regards

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