On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 03:28:50AM +0000, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 01:57:36AM +0000, Richard Heck wrote:
> > On 02/19/2018 11:30 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > > On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 03:51:50AM +0000, Richard Heck wrote:
> > >> Please see attached patch.
> > > I will test this when I have time. Is there any known problem? The last
> > > time I tested, I just compiled the Embedded Objects manual and canceled
> > > it at various times (e.g. after 0.5 seconds, 1, second, 5 seconds).
> > > There were a lot of problems but this patch sounds like it addresses
> > > them.
> > 
> > The only problem I know if is the one mentioned: Failure actually to
> > abort the export, as opposed just to whatever part of it is happening at
> > the moment.
> OK good to know.

Note that this patch is related to #7900.

The patch does still apply to current master.

I have the following comments:

1. The patch has whitespace at the end of lines in several places.

2. When testing on knitr.lyx, at some point I canceled the process, but the
PDF was still shown. This was shown in the message pane:

  support/Systemcall.cpp (417): Export Canceled!!
  support/Systemcall.cpp (294): Killed: pdflatex  "knitr.tex"
  23:03:35.426: Successful preview of format: PDF (pdflatex)

Perhaps the document was finished before it could be canceled? Should we
give that feedback?

3. At some point I received the following message:

  The running converter
   Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore $$s/scripts/lyxknitr.R 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.LASJCzI14377/lyx_tmpbuf0/""knitr.tex" ISO-8859-15 
  was killed by the user.

It might be slightly more readable if we inserted a couple of empty lines:

  The running converter

   Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore $$s/scripts/lyxknitr.R 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.LASJCzI14377/lyx_tmpbuf0/""knitr.tex" ISO-8859-15 

  was killed by the user.

Actually, perhaps instead of splitting "The running converter" and "was
killed", perhaps the following would be better:

  The following converter was killed by the user:

   Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore $$s/scripts/lyxknitr.R 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.LASJCzI14377/lyx_tmpbuf0/""knitr.tex" ISO-8859-15 

4. When testing with examples/spreadsheet.lyx, if I export and then
cancel, I get the following message:

  The running converter
  ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:latex 
  was killed by the user.

But then LyX continues the export without stopping.

Thanks for your work on this feature, Richard. I am looking forward to


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