does not work if using non-tex fonts. It does not depend on which latex
one uses (lualatex/xetex).
For tex-fonts, using pdflatex it works as expected.

The background for currently edited math (that is: the cursor is inside math 
is OK (reflects setting for ...>math background).

To test:
1.) open new file xx.lyx
2.) check: Document->Settings...->Fonts->Use non-TeX fonts
3.) Tools->Preferences...->File Handling->File Formats->With non-TeX fonts: PDF 
(LuaTeX) # or PDF (XeTeX)
4.) insert a formula, e.g. M-x math-insert \sqrt2
save and exit lyx (Important, so the the preview is done with the changed 
5.) lyx xx.lyx
6.) move cursor outside of the formula
7.) Tools->Preferences...->Colors->background
        select anything, Apply
Background of math is not changing --> NOT OK

8.) uncheck: Document->Settings...->Fonts->Use non-TeX fonts
9.) save, exit lyx, restart lyx
Background of previewed math is as desired


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