On 07/28/2018 02:05 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 28/07/2018 01:32, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 07/27/2018 10:55 AM, Daniel wrote:
When selecting "New from Template..." LyX always starts at the template directory in the library directory. I guess when creating custom templates they should not be put into the library directory. But then one would have to always manually navigate to the template directory. So, LyX should remember the directory where the last template was opened from to make it easier to use one's own templates.

Alternatively, LyX should place all templates in the user directory and always start from there, so that the user can add a template there.

Following advice from someone on the list (I think), I went to Tools > Preferences... > Paths and changed the template path to the template folder in the user directory. Now "New from Template" always starts from there. I added a symlink in the local templates directory to the LyX templates directory, so if I want a template that came with LyX I can just use that link to quickly get to the "official" directory.


Thanks Paul. That helps.

I must confess that I never used templates before. And found it to be working a bit different from the other features, like modules. Normally I would expect LyX to provide a list of templates that are a union of those in the library directory and the user directory while the same file in the user directory as in the library directory replaces it in the list. Wouldn't this be more natural?
If you mean a single chooser dialog with a merged list of the two directories, I agree it would make sense, but my impression is that LyX uses chooser dialogs provided by Qt, and I don't know if that is doable with the Qt dialogs. If not, the runner-up choice might be for the LyX installer to create the symlink I described automatically (after verifying one does not already exist) and then set the default template path to the user template directory.

I am mainly using templates to use the same document settings for new files. For my purposes it would actually be better if the document settings could also be imported from other files, for example a template. Here is an example for why this could be useful. While writing documents of the same type I am using my previous document settings for new files. But I keep also changing them, for example, when new settings are added to LyX. It would be great if there was an easy way to update the document settings by importing them from another LyX file.
So you are talking about copying settings from existing document A to existing document B (as opposed to copying from A to a new, unwritten document B, which is what the template functionality does)? I suspect that if this feature is added, someone will then want it done as a check list, so that users can cherry-pick which settings to copy over. You might want to submit an enhancement ticket requesting it (after checking to see if someone else already has).


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