Will S wrote:
> I have been helping a user debug a problem with a tool (LyZ,
> https://github.com/willsALMANJ/lyz) that I maintain that interfaces with
> LyX through the LyX server. The main symptom is that the lyxserver.out file
> appears to be empty. Specifically, when LyZ writes a command into
> lyxserver.in, LyX performs that command as normal (so the "statistics"
> command causes the statistics window to pop up in LyX), but when a command
> (like "server-get-filename") is run that requires a response from LyX that
> response does not get written to lyxserver.out (lyxserver.out still appears
> empty). This problem is seen on some Windows systems but not all. More
> details about the specific issue can be found at this page:
> https://github.com/willsALMANJ/lyz/issues/14
> Are there any techniques we could use to debug this issue further? It seems

Shot in the dark: buffering output to lyxserver.out? If this was the cause
then running "server-get-filename" 100x times will at certain moment output
the whole buffer with all answers at once.

If -dbg at console does not work the Message pane should be still available,
turn on lyxserver, action and perhaps files and check if something interesting
appears in the log.


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