On Friday 16 March 2001 11:50, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Angus> JMarc. I'm fixing this here too, so don't waste your time. The
> Angus> fix is to have either a
> Angus> using SigC::slot;
> Angus> at the top of the .C file or to type explicitly
> Angus> r_ = Dialogs::redrawGUI.connect(SigC::slot(this,
> Angus> &FileDialog::Private::redraw));
> Angus> Both are allowable. Only in header files are using directives
> Angus> evil.
> That's what I began to do, but when I realized it was a problem for
> _all_ files, I felt something was wrong.
> BTW, would it make sense to have slot a member of the base dialog
> class, to hide the SigC dependency?

No, I don't think so. The thing will be done in a few minutes and then the 
pain will be over ;-)


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