On 12/26/18 10:56 AM, Jürgen Womser-Schütz wrote:
> Hi altogether :-)
> I am a newbi and I am trying to setup the LyX-build for my Win10/VS2017
> machine using "https://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/Compilation";.
> It seems to me that the referred batch-file
> "http://ftp.lyx.de/Images/MSVC2015-LyX22.bat"; in chapter "Compilation"
> is missing.

Hi, Jürgen, that's not an official LyX site, I'm afraid, but one
controlled by Uwe Stohr. So you could try writing him (uwest...@lyx.org).

That said, I'm not sure that batch file is actually needed. If you can
open a console yourself, you might try just running the build5-2015
batch file, as directed.


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