Am Freitag, den 28.12.2018, 17:54 -0500 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> I'm working on a custom module, and I've bumped into unexpected 
> difficulties getting autonesting to work. I've also run into a
> failure 
> with Edit > Undo that baffles me. The attached MWE (give or take the 
> "minimal" part) contains an explanation of what I'm trying to do and 
> what is going wrong, an example that is correct in the document, and
> a 
> second copy of the example minus a few key bits (to be used as a 
> "sandbox" if you would care to try things out). The module is in the 
> local layout section of the document settings, and requires the 
> algorithmicx.sty LaTeX package.
> Thanks for any help or advice.

There were some bugs involved: the problem of the erroneously output
separator and parsing problems of Autonests and IsAutonestedBy with
layout names consisting of blanks or underlines (and also with enquoted
layout names).

These two are fixed now in master, and I hope I can fix them for 2.3.3
as well.


> Paul

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