On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 12:49:57AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Has anyone considered optionally permitting a graphic to be signified
> simply by it's file name, instead of a (potentially) enormous box
> reflecting LyX's representation of its "size"?
> Working on a document with a significant number of 1/4 to 1/2 page
> sized graphics, I'm finding that the representations just slow me
> down.  *Particularly* when I'm suffering from the endless "rendering..."
> notation for .esp files.  But not only.

But you just put each figure into a figure float, and then you can click it
to make it get tiny. Admittedly, it would be nicer if instead of "fig" in
read, you got the filename, but that would have its own problems (e.g.,
really long paths make for much ERT, but removing the path means you may
have files with the same name....)


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