Am 02.04.2019 um 03:02 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:

You see why I insist that proper Windows support is only possible if the
whole process, compilation, installer building and testing the
installation is run on different Win systems.

No, I don't see why it matters whether we compile LyX on Windows or on
Linux, and nothing you said seems to address that.

I just gave you two examples why only installing LyX on a Windows PC
could unveil problems:

- the installer must assure that LyX is not currently running when
installing. The plugin that should do this fails now since the latest
Win 10 update from March.
Yes, the plugin was already declared deprecated but we both missed this.
We are all humans so only frequent testing on different Windows systems
will uncover such cases.

- the other example was the installation of LyX. There was a nasty bug
in MiKTeX that made it crash when LyX's was run. This was
no LyX bug but for the LyX users the effect was the same - LyX became
unusable for those who had MiKTeX already installed.
I noticed this during my tests, informed the MiKTeX developer and he
fixed it within 2 days.

So if the goal is still to deliver a working LyX system it is not enough
to compile it and its installer. One must test the different components
on different Windows systems.

One more example: ImageMagick releases made frequently problems in the
past. Some released had general problems with EPS and PDF images. How
will you see this if not testing on Windows? The crux is that the users
can't know what is causing a problem. They just see e,g, that some
images won't be displayed within LyX. Therefore I run different image
tests for every installer I release, on Win 7 and Win 10. Sometimes only
the combination of a certain Ghostscript and ImageMagick release caused

I fixed the particular NSIS plugin problem now in the installer for
FreeCAD by using the plugin "nsProcess". I'll backport this to the
LyXWinInstaller and you should do this for your installer as well.

regards Uwe

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