LyX 2.3.2 in arch linux supports wayland rendering (not using X11) by setting QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl

This mostly works fine, with one exception: Now and then, large parts of the main window shows my background image instead of lines from the document.

When this happens, the paragraph containing the cursor is always correct, sometimes one more neighbour paragraph above or below. All other text lines & white space is replaced by the background image. All special symbols (such as ". . .", hard spaces inserted with ctrl+space) and math still shows for the transparent lines, but not normal text.

Moving the cursor along the line with arrow keys, the main window may suddenly switch between "normal" and "mostly transparent".

The effect is somewhat random. Placing the cursor with a click yields a correct display - arrowing to the same position may yield a transparent main window. Transparency never happens if the cursor is inside math or inside a mis-spelt word with red underline.

Should I write a bug report, or is wayland considered too experimental at the moment?

LyX on wayland is fine when going via Xwayland, so the problem is not urgent. But the long term goal of using wayland is to no longer need Xwayland.

Helge Hafting

LyX 2.3.2, QT 5.12.3, using the sway compositor for wayland, on arch linux.

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